Have You Seen This Part?!

Racing Beat modified the Dellorto carburetor in several ways.  The obvious modification was the addition of the two fittings to connect the tubes from the metering oil pump.  Two other modifications that I am aware of are an altered emulsion tube and accelerator pump gasket.  Racing Beat no longer has these replacement parts.  Unless someone out there has these modified parts for sale (doubtful), then modifying or fabricating your own is the only option.

RB modified the emulsion tube by drilling more holes in it to give a leaner mixture.  I don’t have a standard emulsion tube to compare to, so I don’t know exactly what they did.  What is needed are the number of additional holes, where the new holes are located, and what sizes they are.  With this information one could drill these holes into a stock emulsion tube (#8).

I also do not know what RB did to modify the accelerator pump gasket.  I suspect that they increased the thickness to allow a greater volume of fuel in the pump body.  Without a replacement gasket, I am not going to take my carb apart to see what the modification was.  If the modification really was just a thicker gasket, then fabricating a new one using the proper thickness of gasket material should work.  It may also be possible to stack gaskets to get the proper thickness.  Of course this is all speculation since they may have made some other modification to the gasket.

If anyone knows exactly what the modifications are, email me ( and I’ll post that information here.